Tag Archives: Sri Sri

Shiva Parvati Ganesha story decoded

The stories in the Puranas contain many incredible and hard-to-believe occurences. But they should not be interpreted as a nursery rhyme. Their language is Shakespearean and laden with great depth and meaning. We need to interpret these stories with a very refined state of mind.

The story goes that Parvati created a boy out of dirt from her body and appointed him to guard the doorstep. The first question that comes is how could Parvati, the Goddess Herself, have so much dirt? Parvati symbolizes the triguna – sattva, rajas and tamas. The entire creation is made up of trigunas. The dosha or imperfections that originate out of the triguna is an obstruction for the functioning of Prakriti. That was the boy that Parvati created to stand guard at the door. Shiva is Shuddha Chaitanya, pure consciousness. Like the sun does not recognize darkness and cuts through it, Shiva does not recognize dosha and slays the impurity. But Prakriti cannot stay without impurity. So Shiva replaces the dosha with the head of an elephant, which symbolizes knowledge. Through knowledge, all the doshas or obstructions of Prakriti can be taken care of. This is the spiritual and metaphysical meaning of Ganpati being slain. So worshipping Ganpati as the remover of obstacles and the giver of gyana, knowledge is the most amazing depiction of the nature of consciousness.

Going a step further, even this difference between Prakriti and Purusha is done away with. That is why, the Ganpati Upanishad says,

ajam nirvikalpam niraakaaram-ekam
niraanandam aanandam advaita poornam
param nirgunam nirvishesham nireeham
para brahma roopam ganesham bhajema ||

Ganesha is the only One unborn unmanifest Reality. He is nirvikalpa and advaita – the formless, undivided One. This is the play and display of consciousness within itself.

While Ganpati is certainly the Nirakara Parabrahman, he is invoked and worshipped in the mud idol for a period of time for the joy of the devotees. Then the Ganpati is asked to merge back into our heart and the idol is immersed in water. This ritual is observed for the sake of devotees, not for the sake of Ganpati. He who is without form is invoked in a form and then his spirit is invoked back into one’s heart as the idol is immersed.

Watch the video for details

Narayana !!

Narayan means what?

That energy which is present in all the nervous systems, in all of creation. Anything that sparkles in living beings is called Narayan.

The word ‘nervous system’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Nara’, which also means ‘human beings’.

Narayan means that which is housed in the beautiful and amazing nervous system. Just imagine a human being without a nervous system, he will not be alive. It is because of your nervous system that you are able to express yourself.

That energy which perceives and which expresses in the whole universe is Narayan.


~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Space !!

There are three types of space.

One is called the Bhut Akash, the outer space, second is Chit Akash the space from where thoughts and emotions come, and third, Chid Akash, i.e., space of consciousness. Consciousness itself is another space deep within us.

All inventions come from these three types of space. All knowledge comes to Chit Akash from the Chid Akash, through thoughts and emotions. Songs come as emotions, science comes as thoughts and ideas and then they manifest.

~ Sri Sri

Signs of a Seeker

Six Signs Of A Seeker

1. Acknowledging that one knows very little.

Many people think they know, without knowing or they get stuck in their limited knowledge. So they never learn. So the first thing is to acknowledge that one knows very little.

2. Willingness to know.

Many people acknowledge that they do not know, but they are not ready to learn.

3. Being non-judgmental and open-minded.

Some people would like to learn but their judgmental attitude and close-mindedness does not allow them to learn.

4. Total commitment and one-pointedness to the path one has chosen.

Some people are open-minded but lack commitment and one-pointedness. They keep shopping here and there and never progress.

5. Always putting truth and service before pleasure.

Sometimes even committed and one-pointed people stay away from the path in pursuit of momentary pleasures.

6. Patience and perseverance.

Some people are not swayed by pleasures and are committed and one-pointed, but if they lack patience and perseverance, they become restless and dejected.

~ Sri Sri

Eshana !!

What are the four things that stops you from knowing yourself? What are the four eshana or craving?
1. Putreshana – My son. my daughter my my my..
2. Viteshana – money, property
3. Lokeshana – Craving for fame, recognition, for reputation.
4. Jevashana – I want to live forever.

These eshana obstructs us on our path.

~ Sri Sri