Tag Archives: meditation

Nad-Brahma meditation 

“So in Nadabrahma, remember this: let the body and mind be totally together, but remember that you have to become a witness. Get out of them, easily, slowly, from the back door, with no fight, with no struggle. Mm? they are drinking — you get out, and watch from the outside….” 
“ It is a mantra meditation, and mantra is one of the most potential ways. It is very simple yet tremendously effective, because when you chant a mantra or you chant a sound your body starts vibrating; your brain cells particularly start vibrating.

If rightly done your whole brain becomes tremendously vibrant, and the whole body also. Once the body starts vibrating and your mind is already chanting, they both fall in a tune. A harmony — which is ordinarily never there — between the two. Your mind goes on its way, your body continues on its own. The body goes on eating, the mind goes on thinking. The body goes on walking on the road the mind is moving far away in the stars. They never meet — they both go on separate pathways, and that creates a split.
The basic schizophrenia is created because the body goes in one direction, the mind goes in another direction. And you are the third element — you are neither the body nor the mind, so you are pulled apart by these two. Half of your being is pulled by the body and half of your being is pulled by your mind. So there is great anguish — one feels torn apart.
In a mantra meditation — nadabrahma or any chanting — this is how the mechanism works: when you start chanting a sound — and any sound will do; even abracadabra — if you start resounding inside, the body starts responding. Sooner or later a moment comes when the body and the mind are both together in one direction for the first time. When body and mind are both together, you are free from the body and the mind — you are not tom apart. Then the third element which you are in reality — call it soul, spirit,’atma’, anything — that third element is at ease because it is not being pulled in different directions.
The body and the mind are so much engrossed in chanting that the soul can slip out of them very easily, unobserved, and can become a witness — can stand out and look at the whole game that is going on between the mind and the body. It is such a beautiful rhythm that the mind and body never become aware that the soul has slipped out… because they don’t allow so easily, mm? they keep their possession. Nobody wants to lose his possession. The body wants to dominate the soul, the mind wants to dominate the soul.
This is a very sly way to get out of their hold. They become drunk with the chanting, and you slip out.
So in nadabrahma, remember this: let the body and mind be totally together, but remember that you have to become a witness. Get out of them, easily, slowly, from the back door, with no fight, with no struggle. Mm? they are drinking — you get out, and watch from the outside….
This is the meaning of the English word ‘ecstasy’ — to stand out. Stand out and watch from there… and it is tremendously peaceful. It is silence, it is bliss, it is benediction.
This is the whole secret of chanting — that’s why chanting has prevailed down the centuries. There has never been a religion that has not used chanting and mantra. But there is a danger also! If you don’t get out, if you don’t become a witness, there is a danger — then you have missed the whole point. If you become drunk with the body and the mind and your soul also becomes drunk, then chanting is an intoxicant. Then it is like a tranquiliser — it will give you a good sleep, that’s all. It is a lullaby. Good — nothing wrong in it — but not of any real value either.
So this is the pitfall to be remembered: chanting is so beautiful that one wants to get lost. If you are lost, then good, you enjoyed a rhythm, an inner rhythm, and it was beautiful and you liked it, but it was like a drug — it is an acid trip. By chanting, by the sound, you created certain drugs in your body.
Chanting creates chemical changes in the body, and those changes are no different than marijuana or LSD. Some day, when research goes deeper into meditation, they are going to find that chanting creates chemical changes — just as fasting also creates chemical changes.
After the seventh or eighth day of fasting, one feels tremendously jubilant, weightless, very glad for no reason, delighted — as if all burden has disappeared. Your body is creating a certain chemical change.
I am as much against LSD as I am against fasting. And if chanting is used as a drug, I am against it. So the point to be remembered is that you have to use the sound, the chanting, the mantra, not as an intoxicant for your being. Let it be an intoxicant for the body and the mind but you slip out of it before you become intoxicated; you stand out and you watch. You see the body swaying and you see the mind feeling very very peaceful and calm and quiet. Watch from the outside and be alert like a flame.
If this is not done you will have a good sleep but nothing more. Then it is a good thing for health but nothing for the ultimate growth.
Good — pay attention to nadabrahma, mm? And sometimes sitting silently, start chanting anything, ‘aum’, will do, or choose anything, any word, and get in tune with it. Meaning is not important: it can be meaningless — it can be meaningful. ‘Aum’ has no meaning. Or you can create your own mantra and chant it. But remember to slip out of it.
Let the body get drunk, let the mind get drunk, let them fall into a deep love-affair with each other, and you slip out of it. Don’t stay there longer — otherwise you will fall asleep. And if one falls asleep, it is not meditation. Meditation means awareness. So remember it!”
The Buddha Disease

Chapter 31 – Theology becomes alive only when a person is alive who knows God by existential experience (31 January 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium)

OM Chanting !!

Benefits of the OM Mantra
★ Chanting of OM Mantra purifies the environment around the chanter and produces positive vibrations.
★ The OM not only gives positive results to the one who is chanting it but to the entire vicinity wherever its vibrations flow.
★ It cleanses your aura.
★ It takes you alpha, a meditational state which gives you deep relaxation.
★ Your concentration increases when you chant this universal hymn.
★ The ॐ chanting removes toxin from your body. It gives you better immunity and self-healing power.
★ It improves your concentration and helps you focus on your target.
★ The ॐ chanting improves your voice and gives a strength to vocal cord and muscles during old age.
★ The ॐ chanting produces a vibration and sound which is felt in your vocal cord and sinus. It opens pore which in turn helps in removal of sinus problems gradually and if done in complete faith.
★ Om Mantra has a cardiovascular benefit too which keeps blood pressure normal.
★ It helps in keeping your emotions controlled and thus by putting a control over emotions and leads you to excel in life.
★ It is just like any other supplement that will help in the overall development of your body and mind positively without any side effects.
★ It regular chanting helps in taking you to a spiritual journey and which will only result if it is done daily for a longer period of time.
★ When OM Mantra chanted in group produces immense positive vibrations which charge up the entire vicinity.
★ Even the attendants feel fully charged up even though a person is completely tired.
★ Some people also claims to lose weight through ॐ chanting As it puts your entire body in work and its vibrations affects you positively hence enhancing your metabolism which leads to weight loss.
★ Om cleanses your skin and gives a sunny glow on your face when you chant OM regularly.
★ When you tend to chant it regularly you start feeling stronger.
★ Spinal cord efficiency is also increased by vibrations caused by sound of Aaaa. As this sound is generated from abdomen and mainly supported by spinal cord.
★ The sound uuu is created by vocal cord which affects thyroid glands and throat.
★ Even a picture of OM purifies the environment around.
★ It is said that rubbing hands while ॐ chanting and putting those charged hands on different parts of body heals or activates those body parts.
★ If those rubbed hands are put on your eyes your eye sight will start improving.
★ And if rubbed on your face, it can give you a great personality.
★ It is proved that chanting this Mantra improvises quality of water. So before drinking if OM is chanted it puts water crystal in most beautiful sequence, which effects the body beautifully.

Obsessions & Meditation ! 

Question – Beloved Master, How can one drop an Obsession? Or is it not to be dropped at all, but enjoyed?
Osho – Satya, an obsession simply means a wound in your being, which keeps attracting you again and again, which goes on declaring itself, which wants your attention. You cannot drop it. How can you drop your wound? An obsession is a psychic wound, you cannot drop it. Understand it. Watch it. Pay attention to it. Be meditatively with it. And the more you are meditatively with it, the more it will be healed.

Meditation is a healing force. The words ‘meditation’ and ‘medicine’ are derived from the same root; they both mean healing forces. Meditation is medicine — medicine for the soul.

So if you have any obsession, don’t call names. The moment you call it an obsession you have already started condemning it. And if you condemn something you cannot watch it — you are prejudiced against it. How can you watch the enemy? No need to condemn; whatsoever is the case is the case. Just by condemning it you can’t change it; by condemning it you can only repress it. You can avoid seeing it, but the wound will continue; it will become cancerous, it will go on growing inside.

Rather than condemning it, rather than calling it names, giving it labels, watch it — without any conclusion. See what it is. See as deeply as possible, with great friendliness towards it, with intimacy. It is YOUR obsession, YOUR wound! It says something about you, it is part of your biography. It has arisen in you, just as flowers arise in trees. It is essential because it says something about your past. Go deep into it, with care, with love, and you will be surprised: the more care you show about it, the less it hurts, the less it dominates, the less it forces itself upon you.

Yes, in a certain way, enjoy it! But by enjoying I don’t mean become identified with it. If you become identified with it you go insane. If you condemn it, if you repress it, you go insane again. Avoid both the extremes. Keep yourself exactly in the middle, neither condemning nor identifying. Just be a pure witness.

And slowly slowly, it will be healed. Slowly slowly, it will lose all its poison. Slowly slowly, you will see it changing into a positive energy rather than a negative force. It will become helpful. Each obsession is a knot in your being. Once it is opened, great energy is released.

And everybody is carrying obsessions; our whole society is obsessive. A few obsessions are accepted by the people; then you don’t call them obsessions. If they are not accepted, then they become obsessions. In one society one thing is thought to be obsessive, in another society it is not obsessive. It may be even respected, may be thought saintly, holy.

For a Jaina monk, to take a bath is an obsession. People who are taking baths every day once or twice are obsessive; they are too much concerned about their body, body-oriented. The Jaina monk condemns them. The Jaina monk does not take a bath. Jaina monks used to come to see me. It was really a difficult time for me — they stink! But they think they are doing great austerity.

They don’t clean their teeth either — that too is an obsession. Morning, evening and before you go to bed… and a few people will clean their teeth after each meal, so four, five, six times a day. This IS obsession! You are madly concerned about your teeth. And all arguments that you can give are pointless to them because Jaina monks will say, “Look at the animals. Without any cleansing, without any toothpaste, without any toothbrush, their teeth are absolutely clean. Nature takes care, there is no need to worry about it. You are obsessed.”

According to them, you are too much concerned about your body odor, about your breath, about your teeth. And this is materialism, and they are spiritual people! But except a Jaina, nobody will think that these are obsessive things. 

Remember one thing: that obsessions differ from society to society, from country to country, from religion to religion. What is really obsession? Anything that becomes a dominating force upon you, that dominates you, that becomes master of your being. Anything that reduces you into a slave, that’s my definition of an obsession.

Watch it, meditate. Be silently with it, because that is how you will become master again. Silence makes you a master of everything. Don’t fight, and don’t become identified. If you become identified you are mad. If you fight you are mad from the other extreme.

The director of a well-known mental hospital decided to resign his post after many years of service. This decision brought the local press out for an interview.

“Tell us, Doctor, what are your plans? Will you resume private practice?”

“Well, I have given it some thought,” replied the doctor. “I may go back into private practice, but on the other hand I may become a tea-kettle.”

Now, living with mad people for so long, with so many tea-kettles, he has also become impressed with the idea.

If you want to become ANYTHING in your life, that is obsession. It is not a question only of becoming a tea-kettle: if you want to become the president of a country or the prime minister, it is the same — other names for becoming tea-kettles! There are people who are obsessed with the idea that they will not take any rest unless they become the president. And then they are at a loss when they become the president; they don’t know what to do now because all that they know is how to become the president. Their whole life they have devoted to a single purpose: how to become the president. Now they have become the president and they are certainly at a loss; they don’t know what to do.

There are people who want to become rich; they become rich. If you persist you can fulfill any kind of stupidity. Man has immense powers. Yes, you can become a tea-kettle if you persist; nobody can prevent you. But then? Then you are suddenly empty. Then suddenly you find yourself without any goal, lost.

All obsessive people, when their obsessions are fulfilled, will feel lost. If you become identified with an obsession, sooner or later you will feel lost. If it is fulfilled you will be the loser; if it is not fulfilled, certainly you are the loser.

The other way is to repress it, to throw it into the basement of your being, somewhere deep in the unconsciousness, so you don’t come across it. But it goes on growing there, and it goes on affecting you and your behavior; it goes on pulling your strings from the back. And the enemy is more powerful when it is hidden. You don’t see it, but still you have to follow its dictates — it becomes a dictator.

Both extremes, Satya, have to be avoided. That’s what Buddha also would have suggested: Be exactly in the middle, watchful, choicelessly watchful. Neither choose to be identified nor choose to be repressive. Just see. It is a fact of your psychic life, whatsoever it is. Don’t say good, bad, XYZ — whatsoever it is, watch it. And see the tremendous power of watchfulness: how it transforms wounds into flowers, how it releases entangled energy knots into great forces, positive forces, nourishing forces.

~ Osho – The Dhammapada Volume 8

Question Answers !

Be more meditative and then you are nearer to me. Once you are totally meditative, you are me. Then there is no difference. One thing more: the more you meditate, the less there will be to be asked. Questions will drop. Questions belong to a non-meditative state of mind. They arise in a non-meditative state more and more. One question is answered, ten arise out of the answer.
Mind is a great question-creating force. It goes on creating questions. You give the answer and the mind jumps on it, tears it down, and creates ten more questions. When you are meditative, less and less questions will be there. This will look paradoxical to you, but it is true and I have to say it: When there are questions, there will be no answers; when there is no question, the answer is there. The answer comes only when you are not questioning. Non-questioning will happen to you through meditation.

~ OSHO – My way: The way of the white clouds.

Meditation and Love !

If you love a man, meditation will be the best present that you can give to him. If you love a woman, then the Kohinoor is nothing; meditation will be a far more precious gift — and it will make your life sheer joy.

With meditation the other becomes your heaven.
And to me, just as man and woman are halves of one whole, so are love and meditation.

Meditation is man; love is woman.

In the meeting of meditation and love is the meeting of man and woman. And in that meeting, we create the transcendental human being — which is neither man nor woman.

~ OSHO – Beyond Enlightenment Chapter #16