Daily Archives: 1st December 2014

Seeking Truth

“The real is near, you do not have to seek it; and a man who seeks truth will never find it. Truth is in what is – and that is the beauty of it. But the moment you conceive it, the moment you seek it, you begin to struggle; and a man who struggles cannot understand. That is why we have to be still, observant, passively aware.”

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti


Q: Guruji, how does one cultivate a sense of humor?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : Humor is not just words, it is the lightness of your Being. You do not have to read and repeat jokes – just being cordial and light-hearted brings out authentic humor. Taking life itself not too seriously (because you will never come out of it alive!) (Laughter) Having a sense of belongingness with everybody, including those who are not friendly. Practicing yoga and meditation. Having unshakable faith in the Divine, and in the laws of karma. Being in the company of those who live in knowledge and are humorous. A willingness to be a clown
Humor is the buffer that saves you from humiliation. If you have a good sense of humor you can never be humiliated. And if you refuse to be humiliated you become invincible. Humor brings everyone together, while humiliation tears them apart. In a society torn with humiliation and insult, humor is like a breath of fresh air. A good sense of humor relieves you from fear and anxiety.
• Humor should be coupled with care and concern. Mere humor without care and concern or appropriate action often irritates those who come to you with serious problems.
• Humor can keep the spirit high, yet if overdone it leaves a bad taste.
• Humor without wisdom is shallow.
• Humor with wisdom creates an atmosphere of celebration.
• Humor without sensitivity is satire – it comes back to you with more problems.
• The wise use humor to bring wisdom and to lighten every situation.
• The intelligent use humor as a shield against humiliation.
• The cruel use humor as a sword to insult others.
• The irresponsible use humor to escape from responsibility.
• And fools take humor too seriously!
• To make an effort to be humorous is nonsensical.

Becoming Conscious

You exist in time, but you belong to eternity – You are a penetration of eternity into the world of time – You are deathless, living in a body of death – Your consciousness knows no death, no birth – It is only your body that is born and dies – But you are not aware of your consciousness – You are not conscious of your consciousness – And that is the whole art of meditation; Becoming conscious of consciousness itself.”

~ Osho


A sense of offering comes up in you in a state of fullness, of gratitude. Anything you do out of a state of fullness is Pooja, Worship.

~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Seeker Guru Divine

Q. What is the relationship between Seeker, Guru and the Divine?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The beginning, middle and end of a same line. It is the seed, the plant and the tree.