Q: What is the difference between leaking and overflowing?
When you leak, you feel tired. When you are overflowing, you feel fulfilled. Overflowing is a delight. Just as flowers bloom in trees — that is overflowing! When the tree has too much, only then does it flower; it has to share. It is an unburdening. A tree in bloom seems to be relaxed, unburdened, relieved, happy.
Whenever you are overflowing, whenever you share, you never feel tired afterward. In fact you feel more energetic, more in tune, more at home. Everything settles, unburdened. You grow wings; you can fly in the sky. You are so weightless; gravitation disappears. The feeling is so totally different from the feeling when you leak, dissipate, and energy is lost.
You can take sexual orgasm as an example. If you are making love to your partner mechanically, and there is no love sharing –then your energy will dissipate, simply leak out of you. Afterward you will feel simply tired, not fulfilled. When you love the person and you are overflowing, you want to share your energies with the other person. It happens spontaneously. It just happens; you are not the doer – you become vehicles. You are possessed by something greater than you, higher than you, bigger than you. Then it is not leakage. Then you are overflowing from all over. It is not local, it is not sexual, it is total.
This will make you stronger. You will not decide in the wake of your lovemaking that you are against sex, that the so-called saints are true and right and you should take a vow of celibacy, and you decide to become a monk and move to a monastery – no. If there has been an orgasmic flow and your energy has been simply shared and has overflowed, you will feel grateful; in that moment you can bless the whole world. Your face, body, your mind, everything will be at a calm altitude – a new plenitude of being. A benediction will surround you.
Prayer arises in such moments – gratefulness, gratitude. One becomes religious in such moments. To me, religion has arisen out of a deep love orgasm. Hence, Tantra remains the ultimate in religion, the last word, because that is the highest peak man has attained of attunement, where ego disappears. The ego is very solid, like a stone. In love one becomes liquid, flowing all over.
Leakage is frustrating –sexual, non-sexual, but it is tiring. Sometimes somebody is with you and you feel tired –just the presence of that person. You don’t want the person, you are bored; and you start ‘leaking’, you start dissipating your energy. Then when the person is gone, you feel simply tired, shaken, as if he has taken too much out of you and he has not given anything in return. But if you love the person, if you are happy that the person has come to see you and meet you, you feel enhanced. Energy becomes more alive, you feel more vital. You feel rejuvenated.
Avoid leakages, and remain available for overflows. Anything can be energy-giving, and anything can be energy-destroying; it depends on your attitude. A religious person is always overflowing whatsoever the situation. Even if death comes to him, death will find him in a deep orgasm. Abridged from The Search.
~ Osho Times International, courtesy Osho International Foundation, www.osho.com