Monthly Archives: January 2015


Sadness is more authentic, because you are not dependent on anybody. It is yours, absolutely yours.
This should give you a great insight, that your sadness can help you more than your happiness.
You have never looked at sadness closely. You try to avoid seeing it — in many ways. If you feel sad, you go to a movie.
If you feel sad, you start the television. If you feel sad, you go and play with your friends, you go to a club. You start doing something so that you do not have to see the sadness. This is not the right approach.
When you are sad, it is a momentous phenomenon, very sacred, something of your own. Get acquainted with it, go deeper into it, and you will be surprised. Sit silently, and be sad.
Sadness has its own beauties.
Sadness is silent, it is yours. It is coming because you are alone. It is giving you a chance to go deeper into your aloneness.
Rather than jumping from one shallow happiness to another shallow happiness and wasting your life, it is better to use sadness as a means for meditation.
Witness it. It is a friend! It opens the door of your eternal aloneness.
There is no way not to be alone. You can delude yourself, but you cannot succeed.
And we are deluding ourselves in every way — in relationship, in ambition, in becoming famous, in doing this, in doing that.
We are trying to convince ourselves that we are not alone, that we are not sad. But, sooner or later, your mask wears out — it is false, it cannot remain forever — then you have to wear another mask.
In one small life, how many masks do you wear? And how many have melted away, changed? But you go on continuing the old habit.
If you want to be an authentic individual, use sadness; don’t escape from it. It is a great blessing. Sit silently with it, rejoice in it.
There is nothing wrong in being sad. And the more you become acquainted with it and its subtle nuances, you will be surprised — it is a great relaxation, a great rest, and you come out of it rejuvenated, refreshed, younger, livelier.
And once you have tasted it, you will seek those beautiful moments of sadness again and again. You will wait for them, you will welcome them, and they will open new doors of your aloneness….

~ OSHO : From Bondage to Freedom


A mind without agitation is meditation. A mind in the present moment is meditation. A mind which becomes no-mind is meditation. A mind that has no hesitation, no anticipation, is meditation. A mind that has come back to the home, to the source, is meditation.

~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Drop your fantasies

“But even in looking at a movie you get caught. You know well there is only a white screen and nothing else and shadows are moving on it, but have you watched people sitting in a movie house? A few start crying when something tragic is happening on the screen. Their tears start coming. Just see: there is nothing real on the screen, but the tears are very real. The unreal is bringing tears? People reading a story in a book become so excited. Or seeing a picture of a nude woman become sexually aroused. Just see, there is nothing. Just a few lines — nothing else. Just a little ink spread on the paper. But their sexual arousal is very real.
This is the tendency of the mind: to get caught with the objects, become identified with them.
Catch yourself red-handed as many times as you can. Again, again, catch yourself red handed and drop the object. Suddenly you will feel a coolness, all excitement gone. The moment you realize there is only the screen and nothing else, for what am I getting so much excited, for what…. The whole world is a screen, and all that you are seeing there are your own desires projected; and whatsoever you want, you start projecting and believing. This whole world is a fantasy.
And remember, you all don’t live in the same world. Every. body has his own world because his fantasies are different from the others. The truth is one; fantasies are as many as there are minds.
If you are in a fantasy you cannot meet the other person, you cannot communicate with the other. He is in his fantasy. That is what is happening: when people want to relate they cannot relate.
Somehow they miss-each other. Lovers, wives, friends, husbands, miss each other, go on missing. And they are very much worried over why they cannot communicate. They wanted to say something, but the other understands some. thing else. And they go on saying, ”I never meant this,” but the other goes on hearing something else.
What is happening? The other lives in his fantasy; you live in your own fantasy. He is projecting some other film on the same screen; you are projecting some other film on the same screen. That’s
why a relationship becomes such an anxiety, anguish. One feels to be alone is to be good and happy, and whenever you move with somebody you start getting into a mire, into a hell. When Sartre says, he says through experience: ”The other is hell.” But the other is not creating the hell; just two fantasies clashing, just two worlds of dreams clashing.
Communication is possible only when you have dropped your fantasy world and the other has dropped his fantasy world. Then two beings face each other — and they are not two, because the twoness drops with the world of fantasy. Then they are one.”

~ OSHO, Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 8 Chapter #7

Drop meets the Ocean

When a drop meets the ocean, it becomes the ocean. When a devotee surrenders to the Divine the Devotee becomes Divine

~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar