Daily Archives: 10th June 2014


No work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your body, mind, and emotions that makes it stressful.

~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev


With charity money is purified. By service our actions are purified. With music our emotions are purified and with knowledge our intellect is purified!

– Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


When God does not respond to your prayers, it is because you are not in earnest. If you offer Him dry imitation prayers, you cannot expect to claim the Heavenly Father’s attention. The only way to reach God through prayer is by persistence, regularity, and depth of earnestness. Cleanse your mind of all negation, such as fear, worry, anger; then fill it with thoughts of love, service, and joyous expectation. In the sanctum of your heart there must be enshrined one power, one joy, one peace – God.

– Paramahansa Yogananda


The mind has a deep connection with the moon and the moon is connected to water and 60-70% of the body is water. Everything is interconnected. When a celestial phenomenon happens, it impacts the body, too. For example, the way you feel early in the morning is different from the way you feel in the afternoon or evening. The morning goes with wake up calls and evening with romantic music and melodies. You can’t play romantic music in the afternoon.
Time has an impact on the mind. Planets have an impact on the mind and the mind-body complex. The reason for not eating during and before an eclipse is because the food increases metabolism in the body. Increased metabolism doesn’t let the mind be calm. If you have food, you would simply fall asleep. We advise this to soothe the system and not excite it during the celestial phenomenon.

~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Shiva is that silent, unseen, astounding, benevolent energy that envelops the whole universe.

– Sri Sri Ravi Shankar