Types of Samadhi in brief


A single cell becomes the whole body. Somewhere it is nails, somewhere it is nose and tongue but all is a manifestation of a single cell. In the same way, the entire universe is made up of a single substance.

Remembering and FEELING that everything is made up of one thing heals the body and mind and balances the doshas in the body (vata, pitta and kapha). This is savitarka samadhi. Savitarka samadhi means equanimity with logical awareness.

Deep sleep can be jada samadhi (equanimity with inertia). And hence, sleep is the main factor in healing. Even medicines will not help without sleep and rest.

Samadhi with ecstasy has no logic. This is nirvitarka samadhi, awareness with bliss.

Nirvitarka samadhi is even beyond the experience of bliss, undefinable beyond words.

~ Sri Sri

Benefits of Desi Cow !!

गाय से जुड़ी कुछ रोचक जानकारी ।

1. गौ माता जिस जगह खड़ी रहकर आनंदपूर्वक चैन की सांस लेती है । वहां वास्तु दोष समाप्त हो जाते हैं ।

2. जिस जगह गौ माता खुशी से रभांने लगे उस जगह देवी देवता पुष्प वर्षा करते हैं |

3. गौ माता के गले में घंटी जरूर बांधे ; गाय के गले में बंधी घंटी बजने से गौ आरती होती है ।

4. जो व्यक्ति गौ माता की सेवा पूजा करता है उस पर आने वाली सभी प्रकार की विपदाओं को गौ माता हर लेती है ।

5. गौ माता के खुर्र में नागदेवता का वास होता है । जहां गौ माता विचरण करती है उस जगह सांप बिच्छू नहीं आते ।

6. गौ माता के गोबर में लक्ष्मी जी का वास होता है ।

7. गौ माता कि एक आंख में सुर्य व दूसरी आंख में चन्द्र देव का वास होता है ।

8. गौ माता के दुध मे सुवर्ण तत्व पाया जाता है जो रोगों की क्षमता को कम करता है।

9. गौ माता की पूंछ में हनुमानजी का वास होता है । किसी व्यक्ति को बुरी नजर हो जाये तो गौ माता की पूंछ से झाड़ा लगाने से नजर उतर जाती है ।

10. गौ माता की पीठ पर एक उभरा हुआ कुबड़ होता है , उस कुबड़ में सूर्य केतु नाड़ी होती है । रोजाना सुबह आधा घंटा गौ माता की कुबड़ में हाथ फेरने से रोगों का नाश होता है ।

11. एक गौ माता को चारा खिलाने से तैंतीस कोटी देवी देवताओं को भोग लग जाता है ।

12. गौ माता के दूध घी मख्खन दही गोबर गोमुत्र से बने पंचगव्य हजारों रोगों की दवा है । इसके सेवन से असाध्य रोग मिट जाते हैं ।

13. जिस व्यक्ति के भाग्य की रेखा सोई हुई हो तो वो व्यक्ति अपनी हथेली में गुड़ को रखकर गौ माता को जीभ से चटाये गौ माता की जीभ हथेली पर रखे गुड़ को चाटने से व्यक्ति की सोई हुई भाग्य रेखा खुल जाती है ।

14. गौ माता के चारो चरणों के बीच से निकल कर परिक्रमा करने से इंसान भय मुक्त हो जाता है ।

15. गौ माता के गर्भ से ही महान विद्वान धर्म रक्षक गौ कर्ण जी महाराज पैदा हुए थे।

16. गौ माता की सेवा के लिए ही इस धरा पर देवी देवताओं ने अवतार लिये हैं ।

17. जब गौ माता बछड़े को जन्म देती तब पहला दूध बांझ स्त्री को पिलाने से उनका बांझपन मिट जाता है ।

18. स्वस्थ गौ माता का गौ मूत्र को रोजाना दो तोला सात पट कपड़े में छानकर सेवन करने से सारे रोग मिट जाते हैं ।

19. गौ माता वात्सल्य भरी निगाहों से जिसे भी देखती है उनके ऊपर गौकृपा हो जाती है ।

20. काली गाय की पूजा करने से नौ ग्रह शांत रहते हैं । जो ध्यानपूर्वक धर्म के साथ गौ पूजन करता है उनको शत्रु दोषों से छुटकारा मिलता है ।

21. गाय एक चलता फिरता मंदिर है । हमारे सनातन धर्म में तैंतीस कोटि देवी देवता है ,

हम रोजाना तैंतीस कोटि देवी देवताओं के मंदिर जा कर उनके दर्शन नहीं कर सकते पर गौ माता के दर्शन से सभी देवी देवताओं के दर्शन हो जाते हैं ।

22. कोई भी शुभ कार्य अटका हुआ हो बार बार प्रयत्न करने पर भी सफल नहीं हो रहा हो तो गौ माता के कान में कहिये रूका हुआ काम बन जायेगा !

23. गौ माता सर्व सुखों की दातार है ।

हे मां आप अनंत ! आपके गुण अनंत ! इतना मुझमें सामर्थ्य नहीं कि मैं आपके गुणों का बखान कर सकूं ।

जय गाय माता !!

5 Secrets (Rahasya)

There are five secrets which are sacred and are guarded by the subtle beings and angels in this creation.

They are:

Jananarahasya (the secret of birth): Birth is a secret. How a soul takes a body, the criteria for selecting the place of birth, time of birth, type of body, parents, etc are all a secret.

Maranarahasya (the secret of death): Death is a highly guarded secret. Death remains a mystery. The process of separation of spirit from matter and its journey from then on is a secret.

Rajarahasya (the royal secret, the secret of ruling): The principles of governing; the principles of maintaining the orderliness in creation are a secret.

Prakritirahasya (the secret of nature): Nature is a mystery. The more you know about nature, the mystery deepens. The more a scientist knows, the more he feels there is much more to know. Science, though appearing to resolve the mystery in creation, has deepened it. The knowledge of particles, wave functions, black holes, the vacuum state, etc have only deepened the mystery.

Mantrarahasya (secret of mantras): The mantras and their effect, influence, method and mode of working are all a mystery. Mantras are the impulses or rhythms of consciousness, which itself is a mystery.

Usually in the West, a secret is shameful and dishonest. But in the East, it is honored and regarded as sacred.

~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Spiritual existence of RAMAYANA !!


‘ *Ra* ’ means *light*, ‘ *Ma* ’ means *within me*, *in my heart*.


*Rama* means the *Light Within Me*..

*Rama* was born to *Dasharath & Kousalya*.

*Dasharath* means ‘ *10 Chariots* ’..

The ten chariots symbolize the *5 sense organs*( *Gnanendriya* ) & *5 organs of action*( *Karmendriya* ) ..

*Kousalya* means ‘ *Skill* ’..

*The skillful rider of the 10 chariots can give birth to Ram*..

When the 10 chariots are used skillfully,

*Radiance* is born within..

*Rama* was born in *Ayodhya*.

*Ayodhya* means ‘ *a place where no war can happen* ’..

When There Is No Conflict In Our Mind, Then The Radiance Can Dawn..

The *Ramayana* is not just a story which happened long ago..

It has a *philosophical*, *spiritual significance* and a *deep truth* in it..

It is said that the *Ramayana is happening in our Own Body*.

Our *Soul* is *Rama*,

Our *Mind* is *Sita*,

Our *Breath* or *Life-Force* ( *Prana*) is *Hanuman*,

Our *Awareness* is *Laxmana* and

Our *Ego* is *Ravana*..

When the *Mind* (Sita),is stolen by the *Ego* (Ravana), then the *Soul* (Rama) gets *Restless*..

Now the *SOUL* (Rama) cannot reach the *Mind* (Sita) on its own..

It has to take the help of the *Breath – the Prana* (Hanuman) by Being In *Awareness*(Laxmana)

With the help of the *Prana* (Hanuman), & *Awareness*(Laxmana),

The *Mind* (Sita) got reunited with The *Soul* (Rama) and The *Ego* (Ravana) *died/ vanished*..

*In reality Ramayana is an eternal phenomenon happening all the time*..🙏🏻

Atheism to Theism in 4 stages

Atheism is when you do not believe either in values or in the abstract. When an atheist comes to the guru, what happens? You start experiencing your own form and discover that you are indeed formless, hollow and empty. And this abstract non-form in you becomes more and more concrete. The guru makes the abstract more real and what you thought was solid appears to be more unreal. Sensitivity and subtlety dawn. Perception of love, not as an emotion, but as the substratum of existence, becomes evident. The formless spirit shines through every form in creation and the mystery of life deepens, shattering atheism.

Then the journey begins and it has four stages.

The first stage is Saarupya — to see the formless in the form, seeing God in all the forms. Often, one feels more comfortable seeing God as formless rather than with a form, because with a form, one feels a distance, a duality, a fear of rejection and other limitations. In life all of our interactions are with a form, other than in deep sleep and in samadhi. And, if you do not see God in the form, then the waking part of life remains devoid of the Divine. All those who accept God to be formless use symbols, and perhaps love the symbols more than God himself. If God comes and tells a Christian to leave the cross or a Muslim to drop the crescent, perhaps he may not do it. To begin with, loving the formless is possible only through forms.

The second stage is Saamipya (closeness) — feeling absolutely close to the form you have chosen and reaching out to the formless. This leads to a sense of intimacy with the whole creation. In this stage, one overcomes the fear of rejection and other fears. But this is bound by time and space.

The third stage is Saanidhya — feeling the presence of the Divine by which you transcend the limitations of time and space.

Then the final stage is Saayujya — When you are firmly entrenched in the Divine. It is then you realize you are one with the Divine. There is a total merging with the Beloved and all duality disappears. This is that and that is this. Whether an atheist or believer, he goes through these four stages.

~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar